A Day in the Life of a Gym Installer

When most people speak to us about what we do, they want to know about the really BIG installations. The Team GB training facilities, the Newcastle United S&C gyms and the Twickenham installation with England Rugby. We love talking about these jobs, but in truth they’re only the very strong tip of an enormous iceberg of achievements.

The combined mileage on our installation vans shows that we’ve travelled the circumference of the earth over five times. Throughout those long miles, our team have designed, supplied, delivered and installed literally hundreds of gyms and training facilities (not to mention the thousands of home gym customers.

Part of the job of being a gym installer is understanding the customer’s needs. When the team are briefed on a job, the first thing we want to know is: “What is it for?”. Understanding the end goal and usage of the gym means we can advise more effectively on the types of equipment and flooring materials being installed. If we think there’s a problem, we’ll let you know and give you honest advice on your options.

Here’s what an average day looks like to our gym installation team:



Before every gym installation, we make sure we’re ready for the day ahead.



Depending on the size and type of gym, there’s a good chance that our installation team have already been on site to scope the gym flooring, equipment, access points and dimensions. This means we can review the brief before leaving to ensure every team member knows the ‘game plan’.



Before we set off for any gym installation, we make sure we have everything we need. Our team have usually loaded the necessary tools, gym equipment and gym flooring the night before, but we always double check.



Depending on how far away your gym is, we could be setting off pretty early. We’re based in Cardiff, so if your site is in Scotland we may be staying at a hotel the night before. It’s not difficult to spot our teal/blue Absolute Performance vans on the motorway, with the enormous green ‘Apex’ logo on the side and back. If you see us on the road, give us a wave!


When we get to your gym installation site, we make sure everything is crystal clear and understood before commencing work



We’ve usually already seen the proposed gym area ourselves, so we’ll be eager to keep focus and get started. Before that, though, we’ll do a final assessment of the site and make sure you’re happy with the planned work, gym equipment and gym flooring before commencing. Some larger organisations such as school gyms, university gyms, leisure centres, sports complexes or clients in the public sector require further ID and inductions before we get to work.



Once we unload our vans (or lorry, depending on the size of your installation), we get to work. We build gyms from the floor upwards, so if we’re installing gym flooring for you, it’ll go down first. Always referring back to your approved plans, we lay out and install all of your selected gym equipment with meticulous efficiency. If something doesn’t seem right, we’ll let you know and can often make adjustments as we install your gym (though we prefer to nail it first time!). Some Installations can take hours, others can take several days. Sometimes, certain pieces of customised gym equipment and flooring may be delivered in phases. If this is the case, we’ll be visiting your gym over a few ‘phased installation’ dates.


At the end of every day’s work we’ll tidy and clean the site before signing off with you (the customer) to ensure you’re happy with the works being carried out. If there’s anything more to be added or changed, we’ll relay that information back to the sales team who’ll discuss options with you.



Congratulations, you’ve now got a powerful new training space with that ‘new gym smell’. Once the job’s done, we’ll offer any advice necessary on looking after the flooring and equipment, and we’ll even offer to come back after 12 months to check everything is going ok with your gym.


Whatever the job, our goal is for you to achieve your own gym performance goals. When our job is done and you’ve got a shining new training facility (with that ‘new gym smell’), we’re even happier to see the effect it has. Whether you’re an elite athlete or a home gymmer, we love to hear from our clients past and present to discover the physical, mental, professional and personal improvement our work brings.

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