Fitness brings us together. It gives us goals to aim for, aspirations to live by and memories that we hold on to our whole lives. In short, it makes us better. It helps us improve as individuals and as teams working together to win.
The strong foundations of our company were built on the idea that everybody, whether they’re a home-gymmer or a professional athlete, can achieve their own Absolute Performance through the right training environment, the right people and the right attitude.
That’s why we’re so proud to align with organisations like Strength Academy Wales in Haverfordwest.
SAW Cymru is a fully inclusive community organisation that openly brings fitness, health and wellbeing to absolutely anyone, no matter their age, ability or walk of life. Their classes extend to Age Well Classes, Dementia Friendly Fitness, Family Classes, Unpaid Carer Fitness Groups, Para Powerlifting, extra-curricular classes for schools and much more.
We offer inclusive opportunities for health, fitness and strength training activities that focus on working together, building relationships and improving wellbeing for people from all walks of life, all ages and all abilities.
SAW members become stronger, fitter and healthier; make new friends; feel good, socialise and have improved mental health.
– Simon Roach, SAW Cymru
We’re supporting them in their Crowdfunder for the SAW Cymru Forever Home, which will give them a permanent and well-equipped base of operations in which to continue improving the lives of all their members and trainers alike.

We’re delighted to say that before the new year, they hit their target of £12k. This is fantastic news, but more funding means better facilities and greater quality of life for all involved. We all hope you’ll join us in supporting them too …